Sunday, September 12, 2010

Show #46 "Sleuth" at Tacoma Little Theatre

This is the opening show of the new season for Tacoma Little Theatre. Randy and I missed their opening weekend (August 27-29) as we were elsewhere that weekend, cruising through the deep blue waters of the Mediterranean.

If I sound like I'm bragging about visiting such exotic sights during our vacation, I guess I am (a bit). But I really missed live theatre, believe it or not, and it feels good to be back in action once again, witnessing the wonders of the theatre.

So, we wasted no time in coming to our neighborhood playhouse, Tacoma Little Theatre, to enjoy an evening of the actor's craft.

Part of the overall experience of world travel is the symptoms you exhibit afterwards. I am speaking of that dreaded ailment: jet lag. On top of that, I developed a whopping case of vertigo due to a neck strain I received on the airplane trip home. (You all know how "comfortable" it is to sleep in an airplane seat......not!)

So, between jet lag sleepiness and vertigo's whooziness, I was a mess. Randy was in a bit better shape than I, but not by much. In other words, we founds ourselves snoozing during the show.

I was thoroughly ashamed of myself! Even during shows where any reasonable person would be nodding off, I have managed to stay awake and as engaged as possible. I mean, I kept my eyes wide open during Whitworth University's production of "Antigone" a couple of years ago, and have lived to tell about it.

But, I am afraid to admit that I missed some of "Sleuth." I take it on faith that it was a pretty good show. At least that's what I hear through the theatre grapevine. But, while I was sitting there in my seat, I wasn't really there.

At least I have an excuse. We "world travelers" live a whirlwind life of jet planes, cruise ships, international cuisine and endless shopping. It's a tough life, and quite exhausting. But, someone has to do it.......

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